Saturday, January 11, 2014

Winter 2013

It's been over a year since I posted anything on my blog, but I have to share some pictures with family and friends!  I don't know if I can figure out how to do this because it has been so long!

In October, Major Cammy was deployed to Kuwait where she will be for about 9 - 10 months.  
This picture was taken earlier when we met up with her in Indianapolis for a weekend.

Today I went shopping to buy a dehydrator, an apple slicer/peeler/ corer, and snacks that Cammy likes.  This is a picture of me putting the apples and bananas in the dehydrator to send along with the other snacks to Cammy.  She loves these kinds of snacks.

She is doing fine over there and beating everyone else in the physical fitness tests :)  We really miss her, but she is able to call and talk to us about every week :)

At Thanksgiving time we went out to Chelan and Seattle, Washington to be with Jason and Sarah and the grandsons, Tristan, Wade and Owen, and Kale and Jaspar.  It was a great visit, and a delicious Thanksgiving dinner at Kale and Jaspar's and then on Saturday we celebrated Kale's 31st birthday.  

At Christmas time we went down to South Carolina to spend some time with Garrett and Sarah, Katie dog and Alexis cat, and the chickens :)

Do you notice a difference in Garrett's hair?  It was Wayne's job to give him a haircut soon after we got there.  This picture is halfway through the process :)

The day before we flew out of Jacksonville, FL to go home, we went down to Orlando, to see Scott and Lynette, Ainslee, Todd, Kylie and Chase at a resort in Disney World. The kids were playing games, and we were visiting.  It was short, but sweet!

We drove down in my 2005 Dodge Durango that we sold to Garrett and Sarah, so I had to say good-bye not only to to the kids, but to my Durango :(  That is why we flew home.  But my new 2014 Dodge Durango was waiting at home for me!  

The last time all of us were together was in May when we went to Washington for Chelan convention.  This picture was taken in Seattle at a folk music festival that Kale and Jaspar performed at.  It was a rainy day and most of the performances were outside in the park, but fortunately they got to perform inside.

On New Years Eve we had a small party at our house and we had a lot of fun playing the noun game.  

 Helen and Kenny, Adele, Wayne, Ray and Karen, Joyce and Anders, and Howard and Sharon

When we are at home, a lot of Tuesday nights we have "supper and game night" at our house. We invite quite a few people, but usually we have between 6 - 14.  The young people don't mind hanging out with us old folks as long as I cook them a home cooked meal :)  And I love cooking the dinner and playing games with them.  

The last picture that I will post tonight, is a picture of Mom Lepak.  She is a real sport's fan, and especially the Packers!!  Wayne gave her this rug, so I gave it to her to hold for the picture, but I didn't realize that the rug was upside down until I got home and looked at the picture :)  But the thumbs up was still there for a win that night!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

First Day of Fall
First wood stove fire to start off the fall season :)
To have a fire like this you have to have fire wood.  On Tuesday we got a call from the city that there was some firewood available for pick-up, so we headed over to Birch Street after Wayne came home from work.  As we were loading these huge chunks of the trunks :) and 5 foot long, 12 inches in diameter branches, one tipped over and the other end came up hard and hit me in the jaw.  It was quite painful and I saw stars and was dizzy.  But I had one of those create on the spot cold packs, so put that to it right away.  Took some ibuprofen when I got home and all is o.k. except for the abrasions and the black and blue.  Wayne thought I should put on some beige make-up, but I thought maybe I should just use a black permanent marker and turn it into a black goatee :)

Wayne went out in our woods on Friday and picked up all kinds of kindling wood to start the fires, and today he is cutting those up.

Over Labor Day weekend we went camping up north of Minocqua in the Northern State Forest.  Ben and Brenna and Ben's parents, Joyce and Brian came over for supper on Sunday night and then Ben and Brenna stayed in the trailer with us for the night.  The following pictures are from that camping trip.

The bottom part of this sign was a spiritual inspiration for my testimony that Sunday.

Where we went for our Friday night Fish Fry.

Our campsite.

Me prepping for the meal on Sunday night - Bratwursts and
Potato, Onion and Carrot packs.

Brenna grilling her marshmallows for S'mores!

Joyce and Wayne

Wayne and Brian relaxing

On Wayne's birthday, Kristi flew into Milwaukee, and we took her up to Shane and Nikelle's in Berlin.  They surprised us with other guests to celebrate our birthdays and Kristi's arrival.

Delicious meal by Nikelle and Shane and enjoyed by Randy and Cathy ...

Wayne, Kristi, Jaime and Meredith

Birthday cake with the candles in a W for Wayne and turn the cake around and it was a  M for Marilyn :)
Those kids are pretty clever!!

Betty, Blake and Madeline using the nursery in the our trailer during convention :)

She is so cute!!

Wayne's steam wound from one of the cooking vats in the kitchen at convention

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Here are some pictures from Sarah and Garrett's Milwaukee wedding reception in May.  We had it at Holler Park on 6th Street just north of the airport.  It is a park that we used to take the kids to for swimming in the pool.  We made all the food, so these first pictures are of the preparations :)

Wayne and Garrett grilling the Polish Sausage and Marinated Chuck Roast

Angie, Devon, and Cammy cutting up strawberries

Garrett and Sarah entertaining the guests
with wedding pictures showing in the background

Devon also is entertaining, as usual :)  He is telling about Garrett and Sarah's
first date and their courtship.

The two month old newlyweds!

The cake was "homemade" from Sam's

Travis, Andrew and Garrett worked together a lot on building projects.
Summer is a new addition to Travis' life.

Three of the Enge siblings - Joyce, Ron, and I

with our spouses - Anders, Jan, and Wayne

Another similarity picture.  So often Garrett reminds me a lot of my brother, Ron

At our house after the reception - Garrett, Sarah, Angie and Devon

Sunday morning family pictures - Garrett and Sarah Lepak and Tami and Dave
and Elisabeth and Hannah.  Michael couldn't come.

The Lepaks